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Chatting PWN Bot
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Author:  Yeorwned [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:40 am ]
Post subject:  Chatting PWN Bot

Attack started at 07:38 AM on 11 Feb 2005.

Roar10005(07:28:19): hey
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:29:07): hey
Roar10005(07:29:16): hows it goin?
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:29:24): ummm not too good... who is this?
Roar10005(07:29:35): my name is ashley
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:29:51): Interesting... Do u i know u?
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:30:00): do i know u i mean
Roar10005(07:30:02): i found ure sn on my buddy list and i didnt recognize it, maybe we know each other somehow? lol
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:30:22): haha,... oh ok... Are you from dublin?
Roar10005(07:30:36): I live in florida you?
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:30:50): Oh, Georgia... actually
Roar10005(07:31:01): i have been so tired lately, i cant wait till i can sleep in for once
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:31:30): i hear ya... yeah i got 2 hours of sleep last night and just got back from taking a calculus test which i totally failed... :-\
Roar10005(07:31:43): aww dont leave me
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:32:09): ummm what?
Roar10005(07:32:20): man, i am tired
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:32:27): i see that...
Roar10005(07:32:39): i dont beleive u lol
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:32:58): haha...
Roar10005(07:33:10): lol yea
Roar10005(07:33:30): haha, FunnyMuffin.com has really funny pictures. have you ever been there?
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:33:36): negative
Roar10005(07:33:47): :-P
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:34:18): So ur in advertising?
Roar10005(07:34:30): :-\
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:35:17): haha, forgive my poor sense of humor... I've had very little sleep and i find it weird that ur talking to me as if u know me and I haven't a clue who u are...
Roar10005(07:35:28): im sorry, am i creeping u out? lol
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:35:34): a little
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:35:38): :-p
Roar10005(07:35:47): man, I ma tired
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:35:58): i think we've already covered this
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:36:04): ;)
Roar10005(07:36:08): oll
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:36:39): so who is this really?
Roar10005(07:36:52): ashley 17/female/florida
WHITE96SVTCOBRA(07:37:18): alright lemme check this out... brb
Roar10005(07:37:27): ok good
Roar10005: You have been talking to a computer! One of your friends is reading the whole conversation and laughing it up right now! GET EVEN! Have the bot talk to all your friends by visiting chattingaimbot.com

Author:  Yeorwned [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Attack started at 07:37 AM on 11 Feb 2005.

Reeses4650(07:27:49): hey Jimmy
BednegothePure(07:28:04): heylo, could I know who I have the pleasure of speakign with?
Reeses4650(07:28:17): alirght
Reeses4650(07:29:20): please talk, i'll be goodl ol
BednegothePure(07:29:37): I'd like a name pls
Reeses4650(07:29:47): u say some interesting things... lol
BednegothePure(07:30:29): hmm, I'm not in mood for games as I'm working
Reeses4650(07:30:43): ha but you are...
BednegothePure(07:31:14): how bout no...
Reeses4650(07:31:27): do u think so?
BednegothePure(07:31:57): quite so... I think you should be respectful to those with more power than you
Reeses4650(07:32:10): maybe ;-)
BednegothePure(07:32:35): if that is true then give me a signification of your respect, a name pls
Reeses4650(07:32:49): do u wish that my respect a name pls?
Reeses4650(07:33:01): haha, FunnyMuffin.com has really funny pictures. have you ever been there?
BednegothePure(07:33:17): um no. too busy to do random things at the moment
Reeses4650(07:33:27): ok hten
BednegothePure(07:33:37): would you please give me your name
Reeses4650(07:33:48): i did that already. how about you?
BednegothePure(07:34:10): I think not, I have all your messages here
Reeses4650(07:34:22): i would probably feel the same way lol
BednegothePure(07:34:59): well then give me your name else it only leads to you getting blocked, I dont be rude to people I know, but random people that will not be fair and give their name I can't tolerant
Reeses4650(07:35:12): u sure? hmmm maybe not, can we talk tho?
BednegothePure(07:35:34): well no, not if we aren't going to be properly introduced.
Reeses4650(07:35:46): wh ynot?
BednegothePure(07:35:53): because I have my ways
Reeses4650(07:36:06): I live in florida
BednegothePure(07:36:15): okay
Reeses4650(07:36:29): all is ewll
BednegothePure(07:36:42): I'm giving you 10 secs to tell name...
BednegothePure(07:36:45): I'm very busy
Reeses4650(07:36:55): you want me to tell you?
BednegothePure(07:37:05): that is what I just said.... 8 secs
Reeses4650(07:37:17): i thuoght so
BednegothePure(07:37:19): 4secs
Reeses4650(07:37:32): hmmm, what do you want to talk abuot?
Reeses4650: You have been talking to a computer! One of your friends is reading the whole conversation and laughing it up right now! GET EVEN! Have the bot talk to all your friends by visiting chattingaimbot.com

Author:  Yeorwned [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 5:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Attack started at 02:49 PM on 11 Feb 2005.

BlueBerry10126(2:42:58): Hey
carolinabluexc(2:43:05): hi
BlueBerry10126(2:43:20): hows it goin?
carolinabluexc(2:43:25): not bad, you?
BlueBerry10126(2:43:40): maybe ;-)
BlueBerry10126(2:44:47): Ar eyou still there?
carolinabluexc(2:44:51): yea
carolinabluexc(2:44:59): who's this again
BlueBerry10126(2:45:03): thats good
BlueBerry10126(2:46:17): u doin ok over there?
carolinabluexc(2:46:57): ??
BlueBerry10126(2:47:11): r u online a lot?
BlueBerry10126(2:48:06): haha, FunnyMuffin.com has really funny pictures. have you ever been there?
BlueBerry10126(2:48:15): Your not takling
carolinabluexc(2:48:22): who are you
BlueBerry10126(2:48:32): ashley 21/female/florida
BlueBerry10126(2:49:42): Are you still there?
The user has signed off or has blocked the bot! Conversation ended...

Author:  headstrong [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

dude! i remember when this stuff was soooo funny! but then i became a sophomore in high school.

Author:  SuicideSquirrel [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:00 am ]
Post subject: 

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