hmm...well let's see if my mental picture comes back to focus:
we were sitting in the "dining area" of the LAN after the first night, where you and mullis decided to play verbal tag about a certain post he made about your girlfriend, which then escelated quickly into the now famous "Coke Tab Fiasco" which ended as quickly as it started. The "Coke Tab Fiasco" started when you sir, Kraka da Lan, aka Old Man Lee, started towards mullis,
armed with two things, a coke tab and a purpose (apparently). When mullis asked what the hell you were doing, your only response was "just come here", which he jumped up when you got near him and started to put the coke tab near his throat, which led to the 5 second scuffle of minimum proportions, where it pretty much ended there, never to be brought up again, except during general posts here and there on the forums and in retrospect every one in awhile on the forums.
Now i know your first response is "well, i didnt want to get us kicked out of the LAN", but to be honest, i would have PAID better money to see you two go at it, especially you with a coke tab, than i paid to attend the LAN, cuz that has to be the funniest shit i had seen in awhile. the only thing which rivals this is the time when chris from middle diddle AkA Subway, was talking to trenton (cant remember his call name) about his girlfriend at the time, who also went to middle diddle. well, trenton heard mr. subway refer to his girlfriend, although im sure it was innocent, but trenton asked him to go on and say what he was gonna say, to his reply was " i was just saying she's great man". Trenton then told him "well let's take this outside" and proceeded to leave, whether subway wanted to go or not. Trenton started to drag him up out of the chair, and that's where the memory gets fuzzy, because i was directly in the middle, in the line of fire, but cannot recall what happened after this fiasco.